
August 03, 2011

Awaken by the dream.

It baffles me more and more daily as I witness so many people suffering from
·        Depression
·        Loneliness of the heart
·        Betrayal of a love one and/or friend
·        People allowing the curtains of their dreams to close/fade to darkness (and the list goes on).
I question, what kind of world is this we now live in, that accepting defeat of life and being content to live in poverty is okay? There is still a dream in you and it is time to wake it up!
It is very easy to throw in the towel and say, I’ve done all that I can do, there is just no other way, but that’s where your wrong! CHANGE that negative thinking pattern, and declare LIFE! Our actions feed off our thoughts. If you BELIEVE you can’t do it, then you’ve already set your mind for no motivation. There is an old saying, “Birds of a feather flock together”- such a true statement! Who and what are you surrounded by? We often surround ourselves around people who constantly never have anything positive to say, always looking for a “hand-out” or just simply killing our dreams- it’s time to do what sometimes is the hardest thing to do- LET GO of those people. Haven’t you tried over and over so many times, and you feel like your still in the same position? What’s wrong with trying the new method I just spoke about (letting go)? People are sometimes in our life for only a season. What’s to lose in just trying something different? - If someone cares/love you, then they will understand and be okay with your breakage away, to better your life. Who’s to say once you’ve got yourself together, then just maybe the relationship can be restored. Hopefully while you’re away, your stand for change will influence the other party and they will be working on themselves at the same time. What is meant for you shall be for you!
For believers of God this part is for you. Aren't we taught He will provide escape from all hurt, harm and danger? Then why do we as believers pray, yet still sit in self pity parties, giving life to the situation that’s brining us so much hell? I’m reminded of an email I received of a man stuck in a flood. The man called on God for help and believed God would provide a miracle for him. Three different things happened that could have saved him, yet he was too focused on what he thought God was going to do. In the end of the story, he drowned and went to heaven, finding himself standing before God asking, “Father why not save me from the waters?” God reminded him of the three things He provided, that could have saved his life. The point I’m trying to make is- ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION to your ESCAPES (You may have just received a minor escape from this “wake-up” reading)? We're NOT designed to live in defeat over anything including harm and hurt to your mind as well heart (aka broken marriages/relationships)!  If you aren’t a believer or perhaps you DO believe, however don’t really know or trust in God- what’s going to hurt and trying a “different approach” in the way you’re living/believing? I believe if I’ve tried all other angles and its’ still not working- it’s now time to try what I haven’t tried *smile*! Did your alarm clock of life just go off? Don’t hit the snooze button this time…WAKE UP! It’s time to believe in you again.

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